What I don’t want is Obama at the reigns, spending my hard-earned money, on people that don’t deserve the help, and whatever special interest groups he caters to.
With the Community Reinvestment Act Obama helped poor and minority families get into “affordable” housing Governemnt assistance ala FNM, FMAC.
Having lived in Europe for many years, I have first hand knowledge of the social security safety net, and there are many problems with it; not least it allows the lazy to live off the industrious, and is a tax burden. However, there will always be unemployed comprising those who either can’t or don’t want to work. Means testing the unwilling is fraught with difficulty and leaves you with a choice of whether you ignore the problem and hope it doesn’t manifest itself into a worse problem like racial tension, crime, or civil unrest, or take a gamble and hope the straddlers aren’t too many in number. Yes, it’s a given that you carry a small percentage of the population, but generally most prefer to work because it pays better.
Failure in public policy is often measured by the outcome of the next election, so it may be Obama wins by default. You may have to put up with his decisions for the next eight years, but I seriously doubt many of us are going to be seriously more worse off than with McCain at the helm. I am happy to be proven wrong.