[quote=cooprider]Well said. I too am amazed at how Obama’s failures have been glossed over in favor of nothing more than his nice smile.
Even on here people slander you for pointing out Obama’s faults. I’m surprised to see so many pigg’s brainwashed by MSM favortism.
At the risk of further libel I wanted to link this as further evidence of why Obama is wrong. As I’ve said, I don’t think McCain is any better, I’m not voting for either. But unless you claim to be socialist then you should be more informed on who you support
Good link, Coop. It is creepy to watch intelligent people cling to any sliver of hope and succumb to even the most obvious forms of brainwashing when they become desperate. I am truly shocked that so many Piggs who are aware of the systemic risks facing our country — economic, political and social — nevertheless cling to an irrational belief that Obama is *better*, *different*, the *lesser of two evils*, you name it. This, in spite of the fact that he is a product of the system that created the risks we all acknowledge and has received prodigious amounts of money from the abusers of the system he now condemns. But hey, I suppose it’s possible to sell ANYTHING if you are willing to spend $800 million in the effort, eh? Which reminds me…exactly how does one manage to raise $150 million in one month during a Depression…? Ah, I’ll leave that for another post.
I’m actually not all that opposed to socialism, in theory — if it’s instituted correctly. But I don’t support a system, hastily instituted without input from the populace, that puts taxpayers on the hook for trillions in private debt while giving them nothing in return. For the untold amount of money that we are spending to nationalize banks, brokerages and GSEs, are we receiving national health care? Or guaranteed college and graduate education? Or extensive mass transit infrastructure? No. We find ourselves stuck with a $50+ trillion noose around our necks, crushing taxes, thousands of dollars in student loans for jobs that pay little, working until we are too sick to continue, then dying when we can’t afford to receive treatment for what ails us.
If I wanted to move to Canada or Sweden and partake in a TRULY socialist society, I would. But to see a half-a** form of socialism brought to these shores on an emergency basis is nothing less than tragic.