The trading on the election futures is based on the polls and not on the merits of the candidate.
Its like how stocks trade on recommendations from wall street analysts. Consider the polls as being wall street and you know or should know that wall street is in the tank for whatever stock they are trying to manipulate.
Again, people buy stocks based on hype. Hype in this case is the polls.
The underlying fundamentals are horrible for Obama. He is like a stock with no real products, no earnings, no future and ran by a crooked CEO.
I can’t think of any stock with poor underlying fundamentals that didn’t find its true value sooner or later and of course screw investors who relied on wall street for the purchase.
As far as the track record on intrade in the last election that was coincidental with the polls being accurate.
If polls are wrong this time the Obama traders will get hosed. I believe they are wrong.