Cool, Afx. Yeah, it’s been interesting. With ME / Iraq policy questions, I’m wondering if AFF has any thoughts? Military historian of sorts. Others as well? It would be great to learn about some angle on this whole Iraq project that makes it justified and worthwhile, some reason that hasn’t been mentioned up to this point. I’m not an expert and don’t know everything.
Right now though, I just don’t see it. Until I do, I’m of the mind that Iraq was an incredibly stupid military and foreign policy mistake, complicated by Abu Ghraib and other misadventures. I see more upside gain than downside risk to withdrawal. I think we should draw down troop levels immediately, leave a small force behind including intel, and refocus on AQ in A/P and SA, and Soviet nukes.
Here’s the opening, golden opportunity to convince me Iraq wasn’t retarded, and that keeping a large army stationed there is worthwhile for some reason I’m not thinking of… ?