Contrary to PS’s assertion, it is not patriotic to point hysterical fingers and accuse the US of crazy things. Neither am I a zombie-like “yes” man. She likes to believe this of me and anyone who disagrees with her as it casts her in the position of some kind of all-knowing prophet who deigns to enlighten us all as to the truth about real estate, the economy, terrorist attacks and the “secret“ workings of the government.
How about this as an explanation for the collapse of the towers:
The impact of the planes not only started an extremely hot fire due to absolutely full tanks of jet fuel but also damaged and destroyed important structural supports (which PS’s picture and proof of a hot fire ignores – that was ONLY a fire).
This structural damage and resulting fire led to increasing demands on the remaining supports.
The remaining supports gradually began to fail, one by one (popping noises).
The more supports that failed, the greater the load on the remaining supports. This led to more failures. High heat encourages failure.
Eventually, enough supports failed to lead to the first collapse. Ever played Jenga, anyone?
In any building or structure, there is a point of failure, no matter how well planned. No doubt there was an asymmetrical load on the center supports, which probably encouraged the failure.
The first collapse and resulting forces caused additional, catastrophic damage to the other buildings. This then caused the other buildings to collapse. If the first building had not fallen, it is possible that the other two would have remained standing.
Not enough rubble? Pulverized stuff takes up a lot less space than great big chunks.
I saw the Pentagon damage only day after the attack. It looked like a normal amount of rubble to me.
All of this talk about the World Trade Center is conveniently ignoring the Pentagon. If the government engineered it, why the heck would they blow up the Pentagon? Smoke screen, you say? Is that your only answer? Bull s**t!
Were the terrorist who killed themselves on the planes so anxious to do the bidding of the US government?
As for GPS tracking of the trucks hauling away the steel, how about this for an explanation:
Steel is valuable and they were concerned that it would be stolen for profit. Trucking in NY is notorious for being controlled by the mob.
They may have been concerned that anti-American and anti-government crazies and/or enemies would plant “evidence” to promote a conspiracy theory (like explosive residue).
Why would people believe that the US did this to itself? Some possibilities but not a complete list:
They have an anti-American bias and will accept anything that supports said bias.
It is less scary to believe that our own government did this than that there is group of people outside the US who will go to any lengths to bring us down, including using a nuclear device. After all, our government is unlikely to use a nuke on LA. So, whew, maybe it all over and there is nothing to really worry about.
If the US engineered 9-11, then it takes away any support for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is very satisfying for those against the war.
Some people just like to be contrary.
People believe all sorts of stupid things.
People have a tendency to affix blame in a way that is the least scary. For instance, Jews were blamed for spreading the black plague. So they were burned, murdered and driven away. Those persecuting them felt there was lots of “evidence” too. History is rife with this sort of thing.
Some people see boogie men behind every door.
Some people are only happy if they feel persecuted in some way.
Some people will believe anything negative about a group outside of their own (like Dems vs. Reps) because it makes them feel good or enlightened or superior. They are also unlikely to believe anything negative about their own group because they feel enlightened and superior.
I could go on an on but I’m getting tired of this stupid subject as I have no doubt that I will not change the mind of a single person who is intent on believing that the US government planned and carried out an unimaginably grand scheme to blow up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in some convoluted, complicated plan to cause a war and enrich themselves. They just crossed their fingers and hoped that blowing up the World Trade center would not cause a national financial meltdown and general havoc. Oh, and who cares about the thousands of Americans who would die during the planned collapse of the towers.
I am supposed to be the one with my head buried in the sand? Get real.