Conservatives believe that the ultimate end for communism obliterates rule-of-law…from which the American Constitution originates. The “Cold War” came to an end because of the strength of the free-world. Citizens in communist countries are killed for speaking out against their government. US citizenship is recognized globally as a prized privilege.
It makes me happy that the person, Saddam Hussein and his entourage are no longer in power anywhere, since he is of the same genre as Hitler -though not as powerful. I don’t understand why anyone would say the world would be the same or better off had we left him where he was…in power as a brutal dictator. The idea of his brand of terror against individuals with his unbridled brutality—-going unchecked—sickens me. The spread of it would be tragic.
Edmund Burke is attributed with saying ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil. is for good men to do nothing.’ That brand of evil that Saddam inflicted on other innocent families…had to be stopped for the sake of doing what is right. This has become American heritage. Saddam reportedly killed over 2 million people and was said to admire Stalin…the Soviet leader who murdered 4 million of his own countrymen.
The problem we face now…terrorism and violence against civilians is part of the modern Muslim cultural psychology –unlike modern “western” culture that views it as barbaric and appauling. Below is from an article I read:
“In a recent survey of 6,000 Muslims in 14 countries published in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, females were more likely to support terrorism than were males. What’s more, married and unmarried persons are equally likely to support terrorism. Age matters less than one may think at first blush. In the same survey, some 47 percent of 62-year-olds surveyed were inclined to support terrorism. That percentage was only 10 points higher for 18-year-olds.
Other factors, such as perception of a threat to Islam and opinions about the role of religion in government, have a significantly greater impact on support for terrorism than age or gender. The bottom line? Ideology and beliefs matter more than social or economic status, age or gender. Focusing outreach and counterterrorism efforts on young, unmarried Muslim males will only overlook enormous sections of Muslim populations who support terrorists.”
excerpt from ‘Think Again: Islamist Terrorism’
By C. Christine Fair, Husain Haqqani