Conned by Crooks, you have been punished that much is for certain. Whether its, “enough” is merely a matter of perspective. I don’t know the details of the scam but these types of scams appear in every boom cycle, and the suckers, ahem I mean investors always get fleeced.
The only good thing that will come out of this whole sordid affair is that maybe those around you will learn from your hardship and not make the same mistakes. Everyone pays. You lose money, maybe even your house. The banks are left with REO’s that no one will purchase at the prices owed against them. People like me are left out, unable to afford buying a home at all. Somehow everyone gets stuck with the bill.
It sounds like the scam artists have spent the money, so how can you possibly get it back? Even more interesting to me is why these scams are often so tightly coupled with churches as in, I met these people through church. Does church make people appear more trustworthy?