Condo rentals + community fortresses + zombies = BEST THREAD EVER 🙂
I think “peak oil” will not be quite so earth-shattering. More of a gentle hill than a cliff that we fall off. Whenever large numbers of giant corporations put huge amounts of money into developing a particular technology (in this case, batteries) the advances are exponential. In 20 years, real oil will be ridiculously expensive, but it also likely won’t matter much, because half of the cars on the road will be electric, and mass-production of synthetic oil will be big business. Google “singularity” to read an interesting theory of tech advancement. If an economic collapse doesn’t happen first (and I agree that it could), we are in for extraordinary change in the next 30 years, and oil will be the least of our worries. Think terrorism via nanobots and genetically engineered life forms. It is entirely plausible that the whole planet could be turned into jello by self-replicating microscopic robots. Then there’s immortality for the wealthy, except wealth will be defined a little differently because of the equality technology brings. What is wealth when a street urchin can build a rocket-powered motorhome out of solid diamond, molecule by molecule? With a cloaking device, of course.
On the original topic, there are those here who think condos are always a bad investment, but people who landlord for a living and make good money doing it (see love them. I tend to agree with those people.