[quote=CONCHO]What a total joke. Any thing TPTB are going to give you will be the opposite of what they say it is. Here is the American system of health care:
* Feed people garbage starting at birth.
* When they get sick, sell them poisonous drugs
* When they end up in the hospital as a result of the garbage food and poison drugs, offer them expensive surgeries and of course more poison drugs
* If they can’t pay, then take the money from the government (taxpayers)
Your job in this system is to eat the garbage, take the drugs, get into the hospital often and early, and die when there is no more money to be had from you. The health care bill just ensures that TPTB will have access to more money to keep this system going.
Back to work, slaves![/quote]
Hear hear! or is it here here? We won’t get a reduction in costs until we outlaw fast food,soda pop,and mandate exercise!