[quote=CONCHO]Very interesting — what’s freaking me out is that I heard that oil prices were headed for an imminent crash on my favorite wacko conspiracy theory radio program a couple of weeks back. Some random caller said that a wealthy oilman he knew told him that prices were about to plummet. He was probably just making it up, but still — weird.
I guess this isn’t that surprising. I’ve recently come to the sad realization that all of these markets are rigged and gamed. Stocks, commodities, currencies, all of it — it’s a big casino and we are the suckers.
Also, check the US dollar today — huge move against the euro.[/quote]
The markets are set for the few to fleece the many. Otherwise they wouldn’t exist. Why would Wall Street spend literally hundreds of billions over decades investing in systems and infrastructure unless they were guaranteed a profit?
How do you guarantee yourself a profit in a supposely random enviornment? By cheating the pubic using front running, insider information, naked short selling, government intervention.