[quote=CONCHO]Not everything has a dollar value — at 90 miles per day versus 10 miles per day, you are 9 times more likely to be in an automobile accident. And since much of that is on high-speed roads, if it occurs it is likely to be a doozy. Of course it will never happen to me because I am an excellent driver. And even if it does my Mercedes is of excellent quality and I will not be harmed.[/quote]
Sarcasm aside, you’re actually right. In 26 years of commuting (anywhere from 5 minutes to 90 minutes one way), I’ve never been in an accident, and I don’t need to knock on wood when I say that, because when you follow certain rules, you reduce the chances of getting into an accident to almost nil. They are:
1) Don’t drive an SUV. In crash tests, they test the tendency to roll on flat pavement at low speeds. SUVs pass those tests, but barely. In reality, drivers are doing 70+, swerve onto the median, over-correct, then the back end swings out and catches dirt. A sedan can make it through this without tipping, but a top-heavy vehicle usually won’t. You’re also much more likely to die in an SUV rollover than in a car rollover.
2) Don’t drive a compact car. More mass is better, to a point (see rule #1). Drive a smart car if you’re suicidal. In those, you ARE the crumple zone.
3) Assume everyone else on the road is a moron.
4) Be predictable, especially around aggressive drivers.
5) Always have an escape route.
6) Increase following distance with speed (a rule most don’t follow). This alone has kept me from getting in numerous accidents, one where I watched a Suburban do exactly what I described in rule #1.
7) Know the capabilities of the vehicles around you (e.g., it can take a large pickup twice as much road to stop from high speed).
8) Don’t be distracted. When you’re driving, that is your one and only job.
9) Stay away from cars in obviously poor condition. Drivers who don’t care about their cars don’t care about yours, either.
Even head-on collisions are usually avoidable, if 100% of your attention is on the road. The only danger to you then becomes the drivers you can’t avoid, which is those who run red lights, pull in front of you, or rear-end you. The vast majority of multi-car “accidents” on the freeway are the result of two or more drivers being stupid, not one idiot and his innocent victim.