[quote=CONCHO]Allan again you are doing the thing where you’re trying to say that I am excusing the behavior of these pirate criminals. Why are you doing that? I am merely pointing out that this is the latest event in a cycle of criminality that started with European companies and governments using Somalia as a toxic waste dumping ground and fishing free-for-all. My point is that no one is above the law and that we can’t let these Euros off the hook. What is happening here is that these pirates, who are responsible for the deaths of tens or maybe hundreds of people will get lots of press attention and bullets shot their way, while the companies doing the dumping and illegal fishing will be left completely alone while their actions are responsible for the death and misery of tens of thousands or more.
The “civilized” countries must take the high ground and stop breaking the law if they expect the “savage” countries to follow their lead. In the meantime a few pirates must get bullets in the head, which is sad but unfortunately necessary.[/quote]
CONCHO: You’re absolutely right. I should have completed my post by pointing out that the Europeans should be held accountable and responsible for their acts.
Their (Euro) behavior is unconscionable and, because they are civilized (and used to pontificating to the rest of us about our crimes), they should be held to a higher standard. Not trying to sound overly pessimistic, but I think we both know that nothing of the sort will ever happen. We’ll keep shooting pirates, while the UN and EU turn a blind eye to the dumping.
However, in this particular instance, the pirates in question were NOT performing any sort of civil service, but were out there solely to perform a criminal act.