CONCHO – if rents are declining and/or expected to decline, how will it benefit any investor to flood the market w/rentals? Is that already happening and maybe explaining why rents have declined some?
I understand that banks don’t want the loss on their books and are waiting for the bailout. But didn’t/isn’t the government already giving them money. When will they release their inventory? Or are they re-working all the loans already, reducing principle and interest rates. dd123 posted of a colleague that got a good deal. Is that going to happen/is happening w/all these NODs?
dd123 – I can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally can relate to your post.
SDR – I can see that all these different band-aids may have an impact on what we have in our lap right now. BUT are we forgetting the Alt-As and Option ARMs? That is a whole other can of worms that has yet to be opened.