Communism is the idea of a free society with no division or alienation, where mankind is free from oppression and scarcity.
Sounds like what Russia had was, by your own definition, not communism.
Also, some of us would argue that socialism is not a transitional phase, but can be the center-point as a society drifts back-and-forth between the two extremes — as would be necessary to keep a true balance.
IMO, “We the People” should own the nation’s rights to (or control of) all basic necessities. If we allow small groups/individuals to control these things [water, air, food, healthcare, shelter (to an extent), national defense, etc.], we end up with an oligopoly. This is very detrimental to society, IMO. It’s also exactly what we have now.
I’d much rather live in a society where all people are treated with respect and compassion, and where the public has an ability to defend itself against Darwinian capitalists who would rather rape the earth to benefit themselves.