Common perception is that dems are traitors. Thus, they are rightfully held to much higher standards.
This is why the O man is talking about nuking iran. Rove would second that motion if he ran the O man’s camp. However, since its way too late to diverge from O man’s party line ways, the new views have ZERO credibility. Does anyone really think for a second that good guys like Veritas (no offense, handy target) would honestly believe the new policies? Wouldn’t most call him a flip flopper and vote for McCain anyway? Still sticking with my mathematically impossible for O man to win.
BTW: These two repbs below have the gravitas, sincerity to forward this resolution without being called names. Big difference, you gotta earn respect.
On July 12, 2007, Sens. Warner and Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) introduced an amendment to the FY2008 defense appropriations bill that would require the President to devise an exit strategy from Iraq within three months.