I agree with CAR about Father Joe’s Village – it’s a shelter that runs a bit different than most – geared towards families, job training, getting people back on their feet. You’re not allowed to stay unless you agree to work or be full-time looking for a job. I give to them regularly.
Someone pondered, on the first page, why it was that homeless people end up in cities with good weather. I think the answer is obvious… if you have no home – you have fewer ties to your previous city… if you’re sleeping outside – wouldn’t you find a way to move where you won’t die of exposure?
Back in college I lived downtown – pre-gentrification and condo-fication… it was pretty scary… This was right as Horton Plaza first opened, before the convention center was built… it pretty much rolled up the sidewalks at 6pm. There were a LOT of homeless. Many were mentally ill and used drugs and alcohol. I was skeptical of panhandlers – I never gave them money. (Partially because I was a broke college student.) But I would offer PB&J sandwiches. You’d get a few that were angry because they wanted $, but many were VERY grateful.
I still kind of have that attitude… I give to the San Diego Food Bank and Father Joe’s village, rather than to individuals. I hope to never need the services of these places.