There you go again. The rawstory points to a another document that does not support the Clinton=1.3Mton number. It does support 535Mton during Clinton 1999-2000 and 107Mton during Bush2 2001, for a total of 642<<1463. Not to mention that you are trying to make 2001 a Clinton year. I could only wish it was.
You are so hell-bent on proving your own falsehoods that you are tripping all over yourself. The numbers are wrong, the attributions to Clinton is wrong, and 535/1463=0.37 is not > 1.00.
Why are you yapping on about Wikipedia and Vietnam tonnage? It has nothing to do with the lie I caught you in. Are you just trying to sow confusion again? I thought so.
Do we need another QED here, or should we just stop now?