chrisp, you should expect that there will be some skepticism about the wisdom of paying a very high price for a home, almost exclusively paid for using other people’s money. Almost all the money you are paying comes from your fellow taxpayers, via guarantees and implicit bailout promises from an arm of the federal govt.
In other words, you are paying $60,000 for your new home. The rest of the money is coming from people like me and other pigg bloggers. If you become a default in 3 years because the price you set for your home is way too high, then you will not be paying. I will. Hence the somewhat tetchy reaction to your proposal to set the price for your new home at a VERY, VERY large sum of money. I earn about half a million a year pre-tax, and my home budget is$300K. Are you stretching your price a little? Or getting taxpayers to stretch for you?
I hope this helps you to understand the reactions you’re seeing.