[quote=chrisp]WOW. Way to assume away you nasty peeps.
I thought this would be a way friendlier place to solicit advice from professionals. Not this much of a shit show.
I am NEW real estate attorney. I’d like to think that makes me moderately savy. We want to buy sooner rather than later, and I just started a new position. Also, am a San Diego native.
With all due respect, maybe you should hold your tongue next time. Esh.
Maybe I did a poor job of laying out the facts, but you two sure took the ball and ran with it.[/quote]
Please understand that over the years, people have come on this blog (and other RE blogs) “asking for advice.”
When they hear what many of us have to say, they get upset and do what they wanted to do in the first place.
Oftentimes, these very same people come back a year or two later, saying that they should have listened to us, because they are now in foreclosure, getting divorced, unemployed, etc.
I’m very serious about not intending to offend. It’s just that $600K is a whole lot of money, no matter how hard the MSM/Fed/Treasury/govt. try to convince us otherwise.
In addition to what PR wrote above regarding the bailouts (and I fully agree with him), many of us are upset about people who continue to overpay, stretching beyond what is financially reasonable (based on long-established ratios and affordability metrics — that have been ignored for almost a decade), and running prices up for those of us who want to live more responsibly. For many of us, we perceive these actions to be a continuation of what got us into this mess in the first place. We want the insanity to end.
I am sorry to have offended you, but you just have to understand the nature and background of many of the posters here.