[quote=Chris Scoreboard Johnston]Funny post Dave. I think Stocktrader is a good kid with a good heart who just gets tied up in the emotional ups and downs of trading. He will learn eventually that a lower key approach will help smooth the highs and lows out. Anyone who trades for a long time, gets their ass kicked for periods no matter how good they are, myself included.
I think it was Bill Millers son that for the most part went South. I think then Bill Sr had to come back to try and salvage things. I am not 100% sure on that. Stevie Cohen in equities and Tudor Jones and Bruce Kovner in futures, are the king traders in the world. They have all made more $$ than those guys you mentioned. I think Kovner made over 1B the last few years each year, he trades currencies.[/quote]
Agreed. The point of my post was simply that one year (or even a few years) does not a career/reputation make. And anyone who thinks it does is a hazard to their own net worth (without even realizing it).