[quote=Chris Scoreboard Johnston]He will always be a target because he is high profile and is a loud mouth. People in power never like people like him. Let’s just see maybe he actually did something wrong. Cases or investigations like this are not launched frivilously. The govt usually has someone nailed before they go after them on this count. If they were trying to spank him, they would have gone after him in a different way, audits etc..
I am interested to see if Sean Hannity winds up on the run once the new administration takes over. If I were him I would have stashed a mill or two outside of the country just in case.[/quote]
Liberal loudmouths who ridicule Govt officials and finance left-wing hate movies are going to get the attention of hundreds of regulators who will spend millions of dollars to come after you. And this case look like a slam dunk. Now all your critics like Hannity will be totally vindicated and you will have brought shame to your fans. Thanks, pal.
Out of the loop here, has Hannity done anything that would lead to prosecution?
Are you buying AA yet? Maybe with a $10 Jan 2010 covered call to get $3.