[quote=Chris Scoreboard Johnston]Lewis took the low road and the likely payoff beyond what the exit package will be,to stay quiet and leave. I would bet my life they threatened to kill him if he sang. This is a very big deal, and the truth cannot be known. We may think politics is nasty and getting more so, but there are things that go on behind the scenes that are alot worse than just congressmen pissing on each other over healthcare.
If he was really in a morally high ground type of place, he would hire a few ex navy seals to protect him and sing like a bird and let his security team protect him.
It has been obvious from the beginning that this deal made no sense on any level at all and was pressured from somewhere. Other than the govt buying toilet seats for 30k jokes, no executive running any large company would overpay like this without chicanery going on. 50B for a company worth close to zero cap rate wise at the time.
It is becoming obvious that the corruption in politics is on a pretty big scale, and is not party specific.[/quote]
Ken was just scared, leave the poor guy alone!
Next person to get promoted/retire will be Judge Rakoff, who was vitriolic in response to SEC letting BofA walk away with tiny fine. Judge dared to question why execs at BofA should not be personally liable for defrauding BofA shareholders. The SEC, Feds, Corporate execs will NEVER let trial against BofA proceed, or we will have all parties state “I don’t recall” in court.