Your rule of thumb prices are very good. I try to keep the gift around $15 before tax… that way if you do a card or gift bag you’re still under $20.
I’ve got two elementary school age kids. Like sddude my kids social network ranges from clairmont to carmel valley – and there’s a different price range among the two groups… Clairemont tends to be a little less, CV tends to be a little pricier. I assume it’s a keeping up with the Jones thing – and the Jones in CV spend more money. My rule still applies – $15-20/gift.
On a semi-hijack… when did it become requisite to have elaborate parties at places like Pump it Up, that Laser tag place, etc? What happened to back yard parties? And when did it become requisite to have a big party for every year? I feel like the old guy yelling “Get off my lawn” but back in the old days we got birthday parties every couple of years – the entertainment was pin the tail on the donkey, and it was pretty low key.
(Oh – and we walked up hill, both ways, through the snow to school!)