Charlotte NC (heck its a border town). Border with mexico looks like :-)).
I know people there could lose more than what I paid for my house … DR Horton discounted houses 150K in some subdivisions in sacramento.
Yea 50K, dont forget I maintained the freaking house too.
Now I could have rented the same house for ~ the same and walked away from it. I managed to pay down the principal quite a bit. I owe 120K on it as of now. My neighbor sold (flipped actually) his larger but less versatile house for 189K this week (closed today I believe), maybe I dont have to be so dejected.
But I may have to move and it has me worried sick.
Anyway I hope to not lose too much if the thing goes to sheite nationwide. but I’ll take a trip down to south charlotte and ballantyne just to laugh at the 400K houses dropping like a rock. then go back to my little hellhole and take the loss. Silver lining …