Character counts – Required reading for all, esp for those non mild mannered here.
This is from Michael Josephson’s Institute of Ethics: (1 minute clips heard on newsradio KNX(AM 1070).
Why teach character?
A person’s “character” is the summation of his or her habits, attitudes and attributes. Because those qualities are learned, they can also be purposefully taught. And they should be — because good character doesn’t happen automatically, and it’s too important to be left to chance. The effectiveness and well-being of individuals, their organizations and their society depend on it.
Whose job is character education?
It is always primarily a parent’s job to teach a child how to behave and make wise choices, but other institutions and adults working with young people play critical support roles.
Isn’t ethics relative?
No. There are many areas in which we legitimately differ: politics, religion, sexuality, wealth, ethnicity, personality, ambition. But there is such a thing as right and wrong. In word and deed, we have a duty to teach each other, and especially the impressionable young, that honesty is superior to lying, fairness to greed and caring to callousness.
But what values should we teach?
The ethical values that define good character are pretty basic. We can all agree what they are. The trick is to express them using a consistent language so that messages about ethics and character resonate across the community, from the home to the classroom to the playground to the workplace. The good news is there is broad consensus on six words that are not political or religious and neatly summarize our common values. They are called the Six Pillars of Character.
What are the Six Pillars of Character?
Well, I guess 4/6 isn’t too bad. Well I don’t care, darn that makes 3/6.
My sometimes “eccentric” (mean Ron Paulesque + machiavellian…) posts are vilified as trite diatribes. Yeah, I guess that’s what having a modicum of character will get you – indifference and mockery.
“Dont hate me because I’m good looking, I’m smart and dog gone it people like me”