Chaos is here. Reach out and embrace as much as you can then come back to Piggington’s and panic about the future for cathartic effect.Go back to chaos until you can’t take it…rinse lather repeat. The future is not more chaotic than now…Even if the dollar crashes, the U.S. is supplanted as super power both militarily and economically. The localities in which levels and types of Chaos exhibit themselves just shift.Who has their eyes open and who doesn’t?
I would ask what are the current symptoms of Chaos and how do I address that instead of sitting around fantasizing about shoes dropping, dikes failing ect. Those things always happen. Meanwhile we are a nation full of voluntary debt slaves, self drug and junk food poisoning,cluster bomb building, twinkie whores.Giving our children a future built on day care, obesity and diabetes. We call people marginal underachievers who don’t get on board with unhealthy over consumption and screwing civility to make a buck. I call that chaos.