How much experience or knowledge do you have about this topic, CE? How much research have you done? Or do you just like to publicly opine about things (and state them as fact, in too many cases) and expect nobody to call you out on your BS.
I’ll never argue with you about cell phone technology (or math, or robots, etc.), and I certainly wouldn’t imply that I know more than you do about those topics. Not sure why a STEM degree makes you think you know more than everybody else about all kinds of other topics…even things in which you have NO experience or knowledge, and the people you’re arguing with have both the education and experience that you don’t have.
Your arguments always manifest themselves in imbecilic and juvenile personal attacks. When presented with facts that dispute what you’re saying, you never come back with your own data or research findings in order to counter another person’s claims. You just try to use labels and other nonsense in some lame attempt to discredit those with whom you cannot debate based on facts and logic.
Show us some research or data that shows how unions are what cause the high attrition rate in the teaching profession.