[quote=CDMA ENG]SO you are saying that you want to added ten percent build cost and space to meet your minimum requirements because you don’t like the color black?
Similiar, you want to reject ten percent of the engery you could have and have to build more of the panels thus wasting more materials in your effort to go green?
Because you don’t like the color?
Problem with engineers? That is the same kind of stupid comments congressional panels make all the time.[/quote]
ANY earth tone would blend in with the majority of roofs around here. I’ll bet that a significant reason they are not adopted more widely is because they are not available in any color other than black.
People who are buying solar pool heating are not doing so to save the earth. If they really wanted to save the earth, they would fill in their pools. No, they just want a comfy pool and more swimming pleasure without the monthly SDG&E pain. Maybe with less guilt.
The people selling these things are focused on them from a technical perspective, not thinking about them from a consumer perspective. Really, it’s not the engineers’ fault; they are just doing their jobs. The people that run these companies need to think about the product from a perspective other than that of extracting every last joule* from the sunlight.