[quote=CDMA ENG][quote=sdduuuude][quote=Russell]sdddude is being vindictive.[/quote]
Russell, while I am being aggressive in defense of this board, I am far from vindictive.
I perceive brian’s childish “left is better than right” posts as a detriment to this site, which I have been a part of before it was even a paid site. I received a free membership for providing the motto at the bottom of this page over 4 1/2 years ago. I have some right to do some moderation here, or at least to ask the opionion of others.
Not only are brian’s “left/right” posts annoying, but his continual use of strawman argtuements and ability to put words in other people’s mouths makes for discussions that are both pointless and endless, and undermines that same motto.
Make no mistake – my intent is to stop brian from bullying and if I have to bully to do that, I will. Keep in mind, though, I first had to determine if others felt the same as I did so I started the poll. Note – the score was 49 to 25 against banning brian (not that they didn’t like him, but that he be banned!). I challenge you to find anyone who would fare worse than that.
A second intent of mine was to send a clear message to brian that his presence here is not perceived as a good thing by many people and that he needs to change his ways.
Also, I wanted Rich to see this discussion in full view so he could take any action he felt was necessary. Had Rich say “chill out duuuude” then I’d have nothing more to say, but Rich sees a problem and took time to issue a warning.
In the face of this warning, brian proceeded with yet another pointless threadjacking political comment. I agree with the other poster that this is close to a pathalogical problem.
Blaming me for this is like blaming victims for getting robbed. brian has brought this on himself by his own behavior. I am merely highlighting it.
If he continues with the nonsensical political threadjacking of on-topic threads, I will call him out on it until he is gone.
Finally, lets be clear what CDMA Eng said:
[quote=CDMA ENG]Lastly…
I am surprised to see you leading this little insurrecton SDDuuuude…
I know how you feel about particular people on this thread but I always thought you were a little more chill about people flapping your chops. But then again, I know that things can push your button very quickly as well… Like getting sucked out on the river card!
Remind me never to take you to Nicaragua on a bad weekend with a 100 dollars in your pocket. I don’t think that country could take another revolution.
See you at World Cup…
Where, exactly did he ask me to “cool it”? He didn’t. He didn’t even disagree. He just said he was surprised.
No email or other private correspondence was sent to Rich regarding this matter. His observations and actions are his own, as is this site.[/quote]
Well I am thread jacking. Where do you get the right to tell me where my friendship is with SDDuuuude? I’m a “terrific” friend?!? I can’t disagree with my friend? What kind of friends do you surround yourself with? Only people that agree?
This man is one of the best persons that I have meet in years. You don’t have to believe that. I don’t care. What I do care about is your name calling in this context. Call me a mutha f*&*$#r that does not offend me but to call in to question my friendship with someone steps over my line. This sounds just about as much as bullying as anything SDDuuuude has done. So turn that high power perception inward.
I was surprised that SD called for SDBrian1 removal because for whatever else at least Brian is not mean spirited. The others that have been removed from Piggington did the same thing except they were mean spirited people but overall kicking SDBrian1 would improve the quality of the board. I voted no for kicking him because I think he would abide by some simple rules… But if he cant do that… Boot him.
Lastly when Rich, to the use the venecualer of today’s street youth, “calls you out” something is wrong with your behaviour. Rich has been very tolerant of people but he also wants to be associated with a quality site. Removal of some people has been the only way to maintain that quality.
I honestly don’t add much to the quality of this site but I don’t drag it down either. Not to attack but there are many people on this bored that add great commentary to this site but I cannot recall anything that you have added that is noteworthy so what is with your faulting of others.
I wouldn’t have written this except I was very offended by the friend comment.
SDDuuuude is invited to my wedding. I would trust him with my home, my kids, and my money. There are not that many people in this world that get that kind of respect.
Maybe you can’t understand that…
Whats wrong with a compliment about your friendliness within an accurate critcism of sdddudes bullying? BTW I am not questioning if he is a good guy or not. Quit with the over sensitive non-sequitur protectionism already. Geez. Same for you dddddude. Have a great wedding and congratulations.