[quote=CDMA ENG]One thing I can say I learned in school… Was how to fight. I got my ass kicked… ALOT! But I never decisively lost a fight. That is the key. You might lose to the bully… You usually do because they are bigger, but if you fight hard enough they won’t want to try you again. Each of my bullys moved on to harrassing someone else after fighting me.
You don’t have to win… Only earn thier respect and show that your not a mark.
I was a puss until seventh grade when the nieghborhood bully cornered me into a fight. I kicked his ass till he ran home crying. Didn’t have to fight again until the 10th grade. That one incident bought me three years worth of respect.
Well worth it.[/quote]
For sure, someone beat you badly with an ugly stick at some point.