Let me give an example… I am expecting my first born within the next 30 days. Because of that I know within the next 18 months I need to start changing my ways. I need to start drinking less soda… Stop playing any significant amount of video games… Watch less TV… Why? Because I didn’t want my child to develop these bad habits or use me as excuse to indulge in certain behaviors.
You probably have it nailed as far as what will happen, but not the why. You won’t be influencing your child’s habits for at least the first year or two by playing video games. The reason you’ll give most of this stuff up is that you don’t want to be a dick of a partner. The one thing that shocked me when my kids were born is how damn time consuming they are. They suck up just about every available minute. Even when they’re sleeping.
Congratulations. I hope your experience matches mine, and your kids are the most fulfilling thing that ever happens to you.