[quote=CDMA ENG]I never debated the free market issue with you other than saying the market reacted exactly how it should when the supply of engineers, in this case Iranian females, drive done price with no increase in demand.
Basic economics…
So please stop making claims to things I didn’t argue.
Maybe I’m mistaking you for another poster, but haven’t you advocated for a “free market” economy, in nearly all aspects, over many years on this site?
You stated this in your post:
[quote=CDMA ENG]
That is just the way the market is supposed to react in terms of price from saturation…
When you said that the market is “supposed to” react this way, were you implying that it does react this way, though you don’t like it? Or were you implying that “the market” works this way, and you approve of it?
Do you believe that workers are paid a “free market” and “fair wage” when Walmart pays $9.00/hr (or less!), OR do you believe that Walmart and other corporate interests rig the labor market to create an over-supply of labor so that they can pay less than they otherwise would in a given market?
Also want to clarify my point about the female engineers in Iran. Many people on this site who (presumably) have STEM degrees seem to think that they are more valuable that people with other degrees or skills. Many posts from these “techie” posters — and I’m not singling you out, CE — indicate that if people would simply “work harder” and get a “valuable” STEM degree, their wages would go up, and the world would be a better place. I mentioned the issue in Iran because if everybody decided to get STEM degrees tomorrow, the value of those workers and degrees would go down.
IOW, be careful what you wish (or advocate) for. The people who tout the value of their STEM degrees/skills are the very ones who would be destroyed if everyone were to do what they advocate for.
ALL workers are valuable, some more than others, but we need to respect the different skills and talents that we ALL bring to the table. These different strengths are literally what makes a society and economy thrive.