[quote=CDMA ENG]And you think that because the document is 11 years old that all of that has since been cleared up?
. . . but they are there and like you said it the article is 11 years old so who knows who “owns” CV now.
That area IS Chula Vista. CVPD reports this activity IN ITS AREA. Key words there…[/quote]
For the most part, yes.
CE, you need to change the stmt in the article to past tense, that is, to “. . . WAS in its area in 2000.” I was here in 2000, as well, and didn’t see any meth mfg/sales going on OR biker gangs.
And I want to know why the SD Division of the DEA/NTF moved from its longtime HQ in National City to none other than “Carlsbad,” lol. Was this just a “space-issue” decision? They had plenty of “space” in National City. Don’t you think they would want to be closest to their “daily activities?”
CE, I have a very l-o-o-o-ong memory as I am a longtime former justice-system employee here in SD county. I could tick off grisly murders, rapes, arson, shooting sprees, a mass suicide, meth-lab busts, kidnappings, SWAT-team standoffs, etc, but this blog isn’t long enough. I can assure you that this ENTIRE county top to bottom and side to side is NOT IMMUNE from wackos living amongst their midst, heinous and grisly crime as well as all manner of assorted kids getting involved with the “wrong influences.”
[quote=CDMA ENG]. . . I know you love your home and can feel your conviction for it but this area has problems. Most do. Just not the kind I want my kids to deal with
But I would not raise my childern on “The Hill” in a school or district that has the neigbhorhood’s next future hood rats.
I grew up fighting with the State Street Boys, Pinoy Boys, Bloods, Little Latin Locos, and 28th Street instead of paying attention to schooling (I grew up in schools were kids became Crips so at least I didn’t have to fight with them).
That is just not the area I would raise my kid in. May be out towards Eastlake but not anywhere near that stuff in old CV. And eventually that shit will spill over into the newer neighborhoods of CV. . .[/quote]
CE, If you choose to live your life “afraid” and teach your kids to be “afraid,” that is your business.
My understanding from your former posts is that you are renting a house in UC. UC is well-established, like the older sections of Chula Vista. That’s why I think it is a nice place to live in an SFR, many situated on larger than std lots. There are two major differences between UC and older Chula Vista. The first is that UC is in closer proximity to more high-tech jobs. The second is that older Chula Vista has many homes built on raised “pier and post” foundations and many luxury homes on 1/2 AC to 4 AC lots. Many of these luxury homes are 3000+ sf single-story, CE. There are also many beautiful historical homes registered with the Mills Act (tax abatement program) in Chula Vista. UC does not have any of this.
I don’t know where you grew up but it doesn’t at all sound like a comparison to Chula Vista.
And no, I don’t work for the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce and I have never been “emotionally attached” to properties I have owned. I’ve owned several properties in San Diego County and my current property will not be my last. It was purchased in a specific location for a specific purpose and when that purpose is gone, so am I. But for the time being, it is spacious, with a large backyard, situated in a very picturesque, entirely walkable ‘hood on all bus lines, etc.
“Eastlake,” on the other hand, is rife with brown, treeless tiny front yards, foreclosures, peeling paint (that was heavily watered down when it was originally applied by the developer 20-25 yrs ago), tiny driveways leading to overfilled garages (often to the point where the garage door won’t completely close), and vehicles parked everywhere, etc. ESPECIALLY Eastlake Shores. And the “commute time” from there to the I-805 in the mornings can take up to 35 mins. OR you can pay $44 mo (each way) to use the SR-125 “toll road.” Take your pick, CE.
Eastlake Shores is 8.5 miles from me. If you drove 8.5 to 12 miles from your residence in UC, might you end up someplace you “wouldn’t want to live in??” Well, for me, driving 8.5 to 12 miles south and southeast lands me in … Chula Vista (albeit 2-3 zip codes over)!!
Apples to apples here, CE.
Can I just ask your opinion on “gentrification,” CE?? I don’t know how old you are but at what age would you say that neighborhoods will be what they are (stable) and will not “change” anymore. In other words, if your ‘hood in UC is 45 years old, do you think it will “decline” more? If my ‘hood is 65 years old, do you think it will “decline” more? If La Playa (SD) is 75 years old, do you think there is room for decline there? Just wondering . . .
When, in the lifetime of a “neighborhood,” is it most vulnerable to decline?