[quote=CDMA ENG][quote=Allan from Fallbrook]SDR: Both assailants were native-born Brits. Her Majesty’s Government now advises that British soldiers not wear their uniforms in public.
Fuck that. Issue sidearms and let the games begin.[/quote]
Usually I am against the death penalty due to the economics involved with it but in such a clear cut situation these guys should be dragged in front of a magistrate and hung within 24 hours upon video review.
And I’m with Allan on this one. I am not sure these guys would have had this kind of brass if guns were more apart of the social landscape. Meaning if every cop was armed would these guys still had the balls (and by extension the public)?
As for the people… Shame on them.
I think hanging is a better death than hacking. It is more civilized. I think this is going to be a long summer full or social unrest.