Here is a comment that I originally made on this thread. Once again I would like to post it because I was serious about get a response…
“I will try to take this from the realm of the frivalous to the serious. I am “newer” to the valley and have lived numerous years in Phoenix. I am terrified of mice! Not because it is a mouse but because of the Hantavirus!
Do you guys not have deaths from this? Every year Arizona would report 5 to 10 deaths from this and these poor people died painful, slow deaths. Most of them had no idea there was mice around.
And does the land-lord have any liablity in this if it has been identified by the renter and there is a sickness or death?
Thanks for the answer in advance, and have a wonderful holiday.”
I was hopeping that someone like SD Realtor or someone else in the industry would have a answer to this…