[quote=CBad]Women can “have it all” over the course of their life. The problem is when they want it all at once.[/quote]
Just quoting myself because people seem to be misunderstanding. Over the course of your entire life, you can have everything you want. But no, you can’t have it all at once. Men can’t have it all at once either (they usually get in trouble for having a wife and also having a girlfriend, no?). My husband has passed up great job opportunities and promotions because it would mean less time with his family. Life is all about choices.
What’s this obsession with having it all right now anyway? When I was single, dating, and going to college, I didn’t also want to be married, have kids, and work full time all at the same time. Life is different in different phases of your life. After my kids are grown I can join the peace corps, write a book, get a different degree, or move my way up, etc. but I don’t sit here whining that I can’t do those things right now.