[quote=CBad][quote=CA renter]Men do not have to deal with pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, etc. [/quote]
Deal with?! Honey I consider my pregnancies, childbirths, and breastfeeding to be of the happiest points in my life! Seriously women need to embrace that which makes them women. I feel lucky that I am able to experience those marvelous things in my life.
Now come on, I know you have kids, do you really feel negativity or resentment towards those things or did the “deal with” verbiage just filter in to make a point? :)[/quote]
The three happiest days of my life are absolutely the days my kids were born — made happiest of all because my best friend/husband was there for each of them. In mentioning how men don’t have to “deal with” these things, I’m talking about how children interfere with a woman’s ability to work at the same level as women without children.
I’ve seriously strayed off-topic, and want to clarify that the woman in the story does indeed need to downsize. That’s not really debatable, IMHO. What upset me was what I perceived to be very misogynistic responses to the woman in the story, and older divorcees, in general.
I’m not going off on this topic because of my own marriage or kids. It’s just that I’ve seen the tremendous devastation left in the wake of divorce, and I find the large number of 40-something+ women looking for love to be one of the saddest aspects of divorce, just behind the kids who will permanently be torn between two houses and two families. As a child of divorce, with a mother who was also a child of divorce, and a husband who was a child of divorce (whose father left six kids and four different mothers behind), I see very little humor in it all.