[quote=Casca]What a tedious clique. It’s OK. I’m happy that two hinterland kooks have found love. I will make a couple of final comments though.
For Mr. Been-There-Done-That, most vets guard the privacy of their experience, because all of our experiences are unique. However there is that soul who longs for recognition. I know a fellow who is a cook in the CNG, but claims to have been an SF type in Iraq. Since he stands about 5’2″, his story lacks verisimilitude.
It’s fairly well known that those who have a story to tell, won’t. Who would you tell it to? Someone with no frame of reference who couldn’t possibly understand, or someone who has their own experiences, and doesn’t really care to relive yours? Conversely, those who must always tell their story are suspect.
If I am enigmatic, it is because I know who I am, and I know who you are too. [/quote]
The man has issues about issues he doesn’t even know he has! And I bet the closet door is firmly shut!