[quote=Casca]John, add to the list the decision this morning to try Khalid Sheik Mohammad (KSM), the 911 mastermind, in federal court in NYC. An absolute travesty of justice. Had the current course with the military tribunals been allowed to run in Gitmo, he was a month away from a death sentance. Now we’ll spend a prince’s ransom to both defend and prosecute him in a court where he will be allowed full constitutional protections. This fuck should have been dead a long time ago. There is evil upon the land.[/quote]
I know I know. Its pretty much hopeless until we can get rid of people like Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Franks, Waxman, Waters et.al.
People want to blame Bush for all this but open minded people should see what he was going up against. Corrupt Media, Congress etc.
If the Government ran media wanted to they could destroy Obama in about one week considering all of the “talking points” available and they could do it with a fraction of the effort they used against Bush. Obama has real issues. Bush didn’t.