Casca: Enigmatic? Ha! That’s a hoot. No, you’re not enigmatic. You’re a discredited racist and fascist, who chooses to offer nothing about himself in order to support his positions. And, please note, you don’t support your positions, you simply naysay or gainsay other’s positions. Similar to that old Monty Python skit.
“It’s fairly well known”… Really? According to whom? You? I offered my experiences to support my assertions regarding torture and interrogation, and how those related to a counterinsurgency action, such as that faced in iraq, Afghanistan and the War on Terror. You come back with the “gold standard” of torture (the SD) during WWII. Not addressing the question in that it completely lacks any sort of context. You attempt, through high-handed, pseudo-intellectual responses to win arguments through bombast. When that fails, you resort to insults and ad hominem. Risibility, anyone?
And, as Dukehorn pointed out, why use a commonly understood word when a $6 word will make you sound, oh, so much more intelligent. And, my goodness, there’s a nice $6 word in your last posting!
This was quite an interesting dialogue/debate until you showed up. Civility, manners and courtesy count. However, amongst the snobbishly insecure, attempting to score points and prove one’s own worth counts for more than advancing the discourse and having a lively discussion. Hopefully, your comments above were indeed final. This tedious clique will certainly be thrilled to see your departure. We all feel a sense of tiredness, no, wait, enervation, or lassitude, or is ennui better?
So, hustle up, Buttercup: That book on Ernst Rohm and the SA is waiting.