While I find it kind of funny and ironic how you misuse terms and numbers to claim that you are “revealing fraud” or teaching us “reality” or “logic”, its really that I find it more humorous than enlightening.
Even when discussing your numbers of incarcerated offenders, the majority is non-black.
Hispanicism is not a race.
Its an ethnicity.
That is why Charlie Sheen is both white and hispanic (as am I).
You make this big argument that we need talk about this like adults and then you make these facile points about demographics.
Its not that I disagree its just that they are useless in everyday life.
You are right in that most white people who fear black people do not go through the whole chain of who owned who.
Most white people who fear blacks (I am guessing you are one)just think “black = bad”.
Then they try to dress it up with either some tortured chain of logic (like I put out) or some study about how 1 in 33 black men is in prison (like you did).
Either way its the same thing.
Its people using physical characteristics to impute social behavior.
The world does not actually work that way.
Evaluation for specific situations needs to focus on specific issues.
Its just as non-valid to deny a black tenant using your logic as it is to deny black patrons.
If you are screening tenants, you need to stick to what is important.
A rental applicant with a good rental history and solid credit is a better than one who is not.
Their national or racial religious background is not a good indicator.
What you are really arguing against here, CAR, is civil rights.
If one uses really broad studies of race or ethnic origin as a guide there is always some way to rationalize discrimination.
There were real problems with banking in pre-holocaust Germany.
There were real jobs shortages in some US cities prior to the Chinese Exclusion Act.
There are major gang issues now along the US-Mexican border.
Some argue that justifies ethnic-driven law enforcement.
This isn’t a new thing.
Here is one of my favorite cartoons on the subject.