[quote=carlsbadworker]SDHopes, from the info in your post, I can tell that you bought in Harveston, and the part of Harveston that is not close-by to the lake. While commute to North County to Temecula is generally not that good, the commute to Harveston is terrible because it is closer to the 15/215 intersection.
So the lesson I can draw from your case is that you should rent in a neighborhood before you buy. You are saved by your perfect timing, so either sell it now or hold it on for another year doesn’t look so bad. There are enough demands for rental in Harveston because that is the part of town that people generally want to live in (unlike some other part of town in Temecula Valley). So either way, you should be fine, there is nothing to worry about.[/quote]
You are right- we should have rented before we bought. We regret not doing that and will never make this mistake again. Thankfully the area we bought in is the fastest selling area of Temecula at the moment. So it’s just a matter of listing it now or listing in a year. It’s been helpful to reach out to the Piggington experts on here for their input. Thank you.