P.S. I am biased for this answer because you’re paramount and I have seen your posts over the year and don’t feel that you’re built for being a landlord.[/quote]
Yes, you are biased, particularly since you don’t even know me…seriously, no need to get personal IMO.
I’m a fair/honest landlord who obeys laws and have been for many years.
I don’t see why so many make a big deal about being a landlord, I generally handle maintenance requests on my own – the biggest problems I’ve had are with property management companies.
For the most part my landlord problems went away once I got rid of those leeches.
I think CAR is right – git while the gettin’s good. I really don’t want to disrupt the tenants life, and yes I know they would do that to me in a heartbeat.
If they told me they were leaving, I’d put the house on the market ASAP.