[quote=carlsbadworker]If they want to sell to us, then they need to employ us.” Who is us? American consumers have voted with their wallets on how they want the corporate America to conduct the business.
Yes, dirt cheap labor with no worker protection. But that’s exactly the reason they are entitled to these jobs, because workers there are tolerating such “abuses” in order to create a brighter future for themselves. If you think people who have that kind of spirit are less entitled to the jobs comparing to a bunch of whining American, and condemn these people to be jobless instead, I have nothing else to argue about with you.[/quote]
Ok. The American consumer would like for things to not be as expensive, generally. But not entirely. There would be times in my past where I admit I bought some expensive shoes made in Italy. Now if I want a “similar” shoe, but just as expensive, designer name, it is made in China. The point is that there isn’t even that option or choice to purchase something of better quality, even if it costs more.
And while folks (by that I mean corporations getting the public to believe it) are trying to blame it on unions, the unions fought for workers to have decent working conditions. Wasn’t it China the country that had children working in factories under extreme conditions. I mean, come on. Do we need to lower our standards in our factories or do other countries need to be humane? How do we compete w/slave wages? Should we? Or should we ban their crap being brought here? Because by buying it, we are condoning it and accepting it and at the same time, eliminating jobs here.
So once again, I agree w/CAR. It was forced on us, leaving us few choices.
[quote=CA renter]
By all means, people in developing nations should be free to improve their lot in life, but it should not be on the backs of American workers.[/quote]
And also agree w/returning to wages years ago if our purchasing power would also return to that level.
Come on. There must be others who think this way. Can’t just be CAR and I. (OMG – are we the only ones?)