[quote=carli]Ok, got it, now you’ve added some weird personal attacks about my family and me to your false claims, anecdotes, and previously posted articles about the plight of border kids trying to get an education. Nothing you’ve provided qualifies as actual data. Show me a study or anything that could be considered factual that supports your claims.
Remember, you claimed we are spending “a fortune” and “billions” on the situation and that we’re paying for 25% more schools, teachers and administrators in South County than necessary due to non-resident children. But I can’t find anything to support that. Can you?
I’ll wait. And until then, I’m not interested in going around and around so you can spout more hate about immigration and make uninformed, nasty statements about my family and me. Thank you.[/quote]You’re crying “wolf” now. No one has “attacked” you or your family. It is very, very difficult to explain this situation to someone who has never experienced anything like this in the schools their own children attended. School starts around here on July 20 this year, I believe. Wait until August 1-3, after all the students have successfully matriculated into the new school year and simply drive thru one of the South County high school student parking lots for yourself (around 10:00 – 10:30 am is best as all the spaces will be filled at that time). Try to observe the percentage of license plates of parked cars which have Baja, CA license plates. (Of course, this does not account for all the Mexican students dropped off and picked up daily or who ride the trolley and bus from and to the the border every day, but it’s a start.) Until you see it with your own eyes and hear it with your own ears, you won’t be able to truly understand the depth and breadth of the problem. You may choose whichever HS you want to visit. While you’re here, you may as well visit the parking lots of at least two!
The problem is that South County public school administrators and the teacher’s union like the “status quo” because it keeps all of them in a job and padding their defined benefit pensions year after year just by virtue of occupying their positions. So they’re not going to be too helpful with actual “statistics” and they most certainly know (or have a very close approximation of) exactly what they are! Regardless of what students and their parents/”guardians” are claiming on their bogus “guardianship affidavits.” I would be interested to know the percentage of “guardianship affidavits” which were filed this past year within CVESD and SUHSD (and prior years for comparison, if that info is available) in relation to the number of enrolled students each district actually has. I mean, seriously, what is the true percentage of US-resident kids who are actually residing with a “guardian” instead of their parent(s)?
We all KNOW that there is no such thing as a “border kid.” What is the reason behind using that euphemism, carli? Political correctness, perhaps?? A kid attending a CA public school in SD or Imperial County either resides in Mexico or resides in the US … end of story. The border is a thin strip of land where no one resides. A kid can’t live in both countries at the same time, unless their OWN parents actually OWN or RENT residential property on this side of the border and it is furnished and available at whim for ALL the members of their family to come here and occupy it on any given day of the year (meaning NOT leased out to a third party) and they DO occupy it during the school year as their principal residence. There ARE a few homes like this in South County but they are mostly owned by Mexico City and Guadalajara residents, NOT residents of Tijuana and other border cities. And these families only spend 2-3 weeks per year actually using the home. Their minor children (if they have any) are schooled in Mexico.
None of these non-resident daily border-crossing kids stealing seats from SD County schools are in a “plight.” They can and should be getting their educations in Tijuana and surrounds … where they RESIDE. CA taxpayers owe them nothing.