[quote=CardiffBaseball]Popped in for peek at the site haven’t been here in a while.
Facebook – Virtue Signaling. As I look through my timeline, I’d have to say Trump>Hillary, but not a blowout. First of all I’m white and more of my friends tend to be considering I grew up in industrial NE Ohio. Because of where I grew up, and my time in San Diego I’d say I have a more liberal white timeline than the typical person from Florida. Still, not much passion amongst them.
Now as to the Virtue Signaling… Most of have that group of people who post about how much they can’t stand either candidate and yet never seem to pay any attention to Johnson/Stein. Most of these people are going to vote. Many are blue-collar, no higher degree types. What do they do when they walk into the booth?
In a year where polling data shows a lot of dissatisfaction with the status quo do they pull the lever for the change candidate? Or do they just say keep it the way it is? My instinct tells me if these folks were pro-Hillary they’d be more vocal about it.
SD friends are split down the middle. Latino friends largely silent as are black friends. Asian friends leaning Trump, but my friend list is not a real barometer, I’m just passing along my anecdotal social media timeline.[/quote]CardiffBaseball, as I don’t belong to FB, your post is interesting. I see Trump winning your great state of FL and also OH and NV. And Arizona and TX are NOT actually “in play” (as the Dems think they are, lol) but if Hill’s camp wants to spend $$ and time in those two states, they’re certainly welcome to do so :-]. My jury is still out on the other swing states.
I suspect Trump will win in a landslide in NV …. yes, even taking Clark County!