CardiffBaseball – care to share the name of your dentist?
[quote=SK in CV]
It is not a socialized system because it isn’t a socialized system. In a socialized system, as they have in the UK (not in Canada) and as we have here with the VA, insureds pay zero premiums and nothing for care. Doctors are employed by the system, not independently and reimbursed for services. In the proposed system, every one would pay premiums (some would get aid in paying those premiums) and all medical services would be provided independently of the insurance system, exactly as it is now. Doctors won’t work for the insurance provider, hospitals and other allied medical providers will not be owned by insurance companies. [/quote]
That’s what I was wondering. Are folks in UK and Canada paying premiums? Seems much more regulated there and probably fixed pricing for services. Doctors can’t charge the limitless sky, I would imagine.
An ortho surgeon was charging 1k an hour for his treating physician deposition. That’s what he makes. Excessive?