CAR, I’m sorry to hear this. That seemed like a good property for you and your family. You probably should have gone to the Vista courthouse or the basement of the old county courthouse located at 220 W. Bdwy and viewed the conviction records of these individuals (most likely they were local arrests) on microfiche to study their charges and case disposition before deciding to cancel your escrow. If their paper case file is available (a more recent registrant), you would be able to read a little more detail about the circumstances of their crime and/or view a trial transcript, if avail.
All felonies in the county prior to about the mid-eighties were prosecuted at 220 W. Bdwy, SD 92101.
An individual who is required to register for life under Penal Code sec. 290 may or may not be a current danger to the community. They could have served their time and/or probation period long ago (even >35 years ago) and still be required to register annually and every time they move. Many, many of these cases were isolated incidences involving family members or relatives.
I don’t believe you will find a suitable property for your family in CA urban counties that doesn’t have at least 1-2 PC 290 registrants living nearby. No ZIP CODE is immune!! IMHO, you really shouldn’t concern yourself about this if your kids know how to conduct themselves in public.
These registrants’ criminal files SHOULD be reviewed by concerned potential buyers but WARRANTING UNDUE CONCERN on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the circumstances and LENGTH OF TIME THAT HAS ELAPSED WITHOUT RE-OFFENDING since the conviction which perpetuated the registration requirement.