[quote captcha]Upon completing the training the militiaman has the option to keep the weapon (modified to semi-automatic).[/quote]
I didn’t see anything referencing that it was modified to semi-auto. In fact, I saw things mentioning that they can own it, but not fire the full-auto’s except at specific ranges. You can even own a howitzer in Switzerland, though my understanding is that an easy to get gun permit is required.
[quote captcha]If you want to buy another gun you need a permit.[/quote]Wrong. If you buy more than a specific number per year, permit required.. also based upon type of weapon. Permit is easy except for Geneva and one other canton(not going to look that up at this moment).
[quote captcha]If you want to carry your gun you need another permit. [/quote]Wrong. No permit required to carry. In fact it is assumed you will be carrying concealed unless you are law enforcement or a money carrier.
[quote captcha]If you are an ‘auslander’ good luck getting any of that. [/quote]Wrong again.. I also think someone else addressed this.
[quote Eugene]In principle, the Fifth Amendment privilege is not an absolute protection against providing information to the government. For example, income from selling illegal drugs in taxable and you can’t hide behind the Fifth Amendment to refuse filing taxes. (See United States v. Sullivan, 274 U. S. 259; Shapiro v. United States, 335 U. S. 1).[/quote]True, but considering the previous case(United States of America v. Robert Lee Wright, Jr), I am wondering if the attorney was aware of Haynes vs U.S. If the source of the funds is required to be documented, it may provide a shield.
[quote KIBU]People can find reasons to keep doing anything they want a lot. Rationalize it, justify it and go ahead. Common sense people just see thru all those rationalizations.[/quote]Interesting statement considering that Switzerland has the most liberal gun control laws virtually anywhere, has one of the lowest crime rates and gun assault/murder rates and is a country that several nations considered attacking but then abandoned that idea. Also consider Washington DC, which had banned handguns except for police, yet their gun assault/murder rate was amongst the highest in the nation. Mexico has one of the highest murder rates as well, getting a gun permit in Mexico is also tricky.