[quote=captcha]It’s nice to see threads like this. Reminds me of my Anonymous Coward days of 2007/2008. It looks like most of the 2007/2008 posters have purchased since and have been replaced as posters by new generation of buyers. The only constant is sdrealtor, who used to annoy me to no end. He stopped being annoying when I purchased. What a funny coincidence…
[quote=deadzone]Again we’ll see in 2-3 years who is right.
I remember people saying the same thing to sdr 2-3 years ago. I don’t know. You might be right, but you might be more emotional about the issue than an agent who cares more about the turnover than the price.[/quote]
I’m a long-time bear as well (since the WSJ and UK blogs in 2003, and was one of Rich’s first readers in 2004, back when there were no comments). Not sure about *new* bearish posters here; I think we’re the “perma-bears” from the olden days. 😉